Your smile has a big impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence. Living with crooked teeth can even reduce the overall quality of your life.
Dealing with adult braces can be its own challenge.
But only if you get the wrong type. There are many different braces options that are less noticeable than traditional braces.
We’ve put together this quick guide to show you some of the best options for adults who want a straighter smile.
So keep reading below!
The Best Options for Adult Braces
There are several different types of braces you can wear in the professional world of a working adult without feeling embarrassed. Many of these options are even transparent, hidden, or hard to see on the teeth.
1. Traditional Braces
These braces have the traditional metal wires and square brackets glued to the surface of your teeth. Many traditional braces also require a colored wire to help move the teeth into the right places.
This option is definitely noticeable, so it’s not the best option for adults going for discretion. However, they can be a fast, simple choice.
2. Clear Braces
Clear braces are very similar to traditional braces, but the brackets themselves are transparent. Some clear braces will even use white wires to make them less noticeable.
This type of braces is much more subtle than traditional braces. The braces will blend into the surface of your teeth, and other people will have a hard time seeing them unless they’re up close.
3. Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are also similar to traditional braces. However, the brackets are glued to the back of the teeth instead of the front of the teeth. This means the brackets and wire are invisible when you talk, eat, or smile.
However, these types of braces must be custom made for you. Because of this, they can be much more expensive than normal braces.
4. Self-Litigating Braces
The wire in these braces passes through a small clip in the metal bracket. That means there are no wire or rubber bands required. This makes the braces themselves small, smooth, and unnoticeable.
5. Invisalign
Invisalign is the best braces option for adults.
The clear aligner slides over your teeth so they mimic the shape and size of each tooth. They look almost identical to your normal smile.
On top of that, you can take the Invisalign off your teeth when you want to eat, clean your teeth, take a professional photo, etc. This means your teeth stay healthy and move faster.
They’re also an easy, comfortable choice for adults.
Dealing with Treatment as an Adult
Adult braces can be hard to manage when you’re balancing the stresses of work, raising a family, maintaining a home, running errands, and other obligations. So make sure you find time to brush and floss your teeth every day.
And make your orthodontist appointments a priority. Life can get busy, but showing up to every appointment can give you better results in a faster period of time.
Not sure where to find an orthodontist that works for you?
Click here to get in touch with us today or set up an appointment that fits your schedule!