What Are the Best Options Available For Adult Braces?

What Are the Best Options Available For Adult Braces?

Your smile has a big impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence. Living with crooked teeth can even reduce the overall quality of your life.  Dealing with adult braces can be its own challenge.  But only if you get the wrong type. There are many different braces...
Brace Yourself: What Parents Need to Know About Braces For Teens

Brace Yourself: What Parents Need to Know About Braces For Teens

What’s the first thing you notice about a person? Almost 30% of people say that the first thing they notice about someone is their smile and teeth. Knowing that makes it clear that having a great smile is important. For many people, having a great smile means...
A Guide to Cleaning Your Invisalign Trays

A Guide to Cleaning Your Invisalign Trays

Did you know that roughly 4 million Americans wear braces? If you find braces uncomfortable or unattractive, you may have chosen to wear Invisalign trays instead of other options. People love Invisalign trays because they keep your smile looking great while also...
Beyond Braces: The Top Reasons to See an Orthodontist Today

Beyond Braces: The Top Reasons to See an Orthodontist Today

People keep telling you that you should see an orthodontist, but if you’re honest, you’re a bit confused about why you should.  After all, you don’t need braces, or perhaps you feel as if you’re too old to get them.  What many people...
Player Protection: The Top Five Benefits of Athletic Mouth Guards

Player Protection: The Top Five Benefits of Athletic Mouth Guards

There are countless benefits of signing your child up for any kind of sport or physical activity. They stay healthier, spend more time outdoors, learn how to accept both victory and defeat, and make valuable connections with their peers. But it’s no secret that...